Projects tagged: INFRASTRUCTURE # Email


One of the most widely used internet application, for which email servers exchange messages over the Internet using the SMTP protocol. Client applications log into the servers to send and receive email using one of several protocols, including POP3, IMAP, and MAPI. Email is also the technology underlying mailing lists, which allow for widespread distribution of information to many Internet users

FACTS (some)


#1 Ray Tomlinson è considerato l'inventore della posta elettronica in rete; nel 1971, sviluppò il primo sistema in grado di inviare posta tra utenti su diversi host attraverso ARPANET, usando il segno @ per collegare il nome utente con un server di destinazione.

#2 Nel 1988, Vinton Cerf organizzò la connessione di MCI Mail a NSFNET attraverso la Corporation for the National Research Initiative (CNRI) per "uso sperimentale", fornendo il primo servizio commerciale di posta elettronica ad essere connesso a Internet

#3 Nel 1993, i grandi fornitori di servizi di rete America Online e Delphi iniziarono a collegare i loro sistemi di posta elettronica privati a Internet, iniziando l'adozione su larga scala della posta elettronica su Internet come uno standard globale.


#1 Ray Tomlinson is credited as the inventor of networked email; in 1971, he developed the first system able to send mail between users on different hosts across the ARPANET, using the @ sign to link the user name with a destination server.

#2 In 1988, Vinton Cerf arranged for the connection of MCI Mail to the NSFNET through the Corporation for the National Research Initiative (CNRI) for "experimental use", providing the first commercial email service to be connected to the Internet

#3 In 1993, the large network service providers America Online and Delphi started to connect their proprietary email systems to the Internet, beginning the large scale adoption of Internet email as a global standard.



Enar de Dios Rodrí­guez,  

Project title

Unsolicited Exhibition




Matthew Britton,  

Project title

Out of Office
