Projects tagged: INFRASTRUCTURE # PayPal


PayPal is a financial service company that provides online payment solutions to its users worldwide.
Headquartered in San Francisco, it was founded in 1998 by Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, Mallikarjun Yagnavajulla, Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, Rod D. Martin and Senthil Udayasooriyan.

FACTS (some)


1# Al 2021, PayPal opera in 202 mercati, supporta 25 valute e ha 377 milioni di conti attivi e registrati.

2# Nel marzo 2021, PayPal ha annunciato il lancio di Checkout with Crypto, una nuova funzione che permette ai clienti con criptovalute in possesso negli Stati Uniti di effettuare il check-out presso milioni di aziende online utilizzando le criptovalute. 

3# All'Ottobre 2020, l'anno della pandemia di Covid-19, Paypal ha visto un aumento del suo capitale fino al 78% e del volume totale dei pagamenti del 29%, pari a 220 miliardi di dollari.


1# As of 2021, PayPal operates in 202 markets, supports 25 currencies and has 377 million active, registered accounts.

2# In March 2021, PayPal announced the launch of Checkout with Crypto, a new feature that allows customers with cryptocurrency holdings in the U.S. to check out at millions of online businesses using cryptocurrency. 

3# As of October 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, Paypal has seen an increase in its stock to up to 78% and in total payment volume of 29%, amounting to $220 billion.



Sebastian Schmieg,   Silvio Lorusso,  

Project title

