Projects tagged: INFRASTRUCTURE # Flash Media Server


A server software to deliver HD quality video content over the internet with dynamic media encryption to desktop, home, and mobile devices. The software was firstly released by Macromedia in 2002, and is now known as Adobe Media Server.

FACTS (some)


#1 Macromedia e la sua linea di prodotti sono stati acquisiti da Adobe Systems nel dicembre 2005.

#2 Nel febbraio 2019, Adobe Systems Incorporated ha concesso a Veriskope Inc i diritti per sviluppare ulteriormente, rivendere ed estendere la distribuzione del prodotto software.


#1 Macromedia and its product line were acquired by Adobe Systems in December 2005.

#2 In February 2019, Adobe Systems Incorporated granted Veriskope Inc rights to further develop, resell, and extend distribution of the software product.



Rebecca Birch,   Rob Smith,  

Project title

Field Broadcast
