Projects tagged: INFRASTRUCTURE # Kickstarter


Kickstarter is an online crowdfunding platform and community that enables artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers, and other creators to raise funds for various community projects. Individuals who back these projects are offered tangible rewards and one-of-a-kind experiences in exchange for their pledges. Headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, the platform was founded by Charles Adler, Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler in 2009.

FACTS (some)

[:it]#1: A dicembre 2019, Kickstarter ha ricevuto più di 4,6 miliardi di dollari in donazioni da 17,2 milioni di sostenitori per finanziare 445.000 progetti, tra cui film, musica, spettacoli teatrali, fumetti, giornalismo, videogiochi, tecnologia, editoria e progetti legati al cibo. #2: Le parole crowdsourcing e crowdfunding sono state coniate nel 2006; quest'ultima da Michael Sullivan, un imprenditore alla ricerca di finanziatori per il suo progetto video-blog. #3: Nel marzo 2020, i dipendenti di Kickstarter sono diventati una delle prime forze di lavoro dell' high-tech a sindacalizzarsi e a fondare Kickstarter United, l'organizzazione ormai ufficiale dei dipendenti dell'azienda.[:en]#1: As of December 2019, Kickstarter has received more than $4.6 billion in pledges from 17.2 million backers to fund 445,000 projects, such as films, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, technology, publishing, and food-related projects. #2: The words crowdsourcing and crowdfunding were coined in 2006; the latter by Michael Sullivan, an entrepreneur looking for backers to help fund his video-blog project. #3: In March 2020, employees at Kickstarter became one of the first high-tech labor forces to unionize and establish Kickstarter United—the now-official organization for company employees.[:]


Krystal South,  

Project title

Exhibition Kickstarter
