Projects tagged: KEYWORD # Environment


1) The circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded 2.a.) The complex of physical, chemical, and biotic factors (such as climate, soil and living things) that act upon an organism or an ecological community and ultimately determine its form and survival 2.b) The aggregate of social and cultural conditions that influence the life of an individual or community 3) A computer interface from which various tasks can be performed. —Merriam-Webster Dictionary



#1 Nella sua formulazione originale, la teoria della bolla è stata formulata per la prima volta nel 2011 da Eli Pariser nel suo libro The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You. In estrema sintesi, la tesi di Pariser è che da quando le nostre opinioni si formano su internet corriamo il rischio di essere isolati da informazioni che non sono vicine al nostro mondo culturale o ideologico (la nostra bolla). […] Una teoria valida, ma che non limiterei a internet. La verità è che ognuno di noi, internet o meno, vive dentro una sua bolla, frequentando persone che la pensano in maniera simile, e con gusti conformi e attitudini compatibili con le nostre. Vivendo nelle nostre bolle riteniamo che ciò che noi percepiamo come normale e condiviso rappresenti l’intera realtà — Stefano Mancuso, La Nazione delle Piante, 2019


#1 In its original formulation, the bubble theory was first formulated in 2011 by Eli Pariser in his book The Filter Bubble: What the Internet is Hiding from You. In a nutshell, Pariser's thesis is that since our opinions are formed on the internet we run the risk of being isolated from information that is not close to our cultural or ideological world (our bubble). [...] A valid theory, but one that I would not limit to the internet. The truth is that each of us, internet or not, lives inside their own bubble, hanging out with people who think in a similar way, and with tastes that conform and attitudes that are compatible with ours. Living in our bubbles we believe that what we perceive as normal and shared represents the whole of reality - Stefano Mancuso, The Plant Nation, 2019



Browser Based,   noemata,   nfcw.project,  

Project title

Near Field Communication Digital Art Biennale




Joasia Krysa,  

Project title

Minecraft Infinity Project




Davide Bevilacqua,  

Project title

Lost in a garden of clouds




Albena Baeva,   Rene Beekman,  

Project title

Gallery Gallery




Rebecca Birch,   Rob Smith,  

Project title

Field Broadcast
