Projects tagged: KEYWORD # Performance


1) The execution of an action, or something accomplished 2) The fullfillment of a claim, promise, request 3) The action or representing a character in a play, to a public representation or exhibition 4) The manner of reacting to stimuli 5) The linguistic behaviour of an individual — Merriam-Webster Dictionary



#1 Nel teatro globale di Connesione Remota, uno dei primi esperimenti italiani di Webcam Theatre, andato contemporaneamente in scena e in diretta Web dal Museo Pecci di Prato (2001), gli spettatori in “connessione remota” potevano assistere alla performance dal Web, incontrarsi in rete, chattare tra loro, dialogare e scrivere in tempo reale con lo stesso performer: “Questi esperimenti mi hanno confermato l’intuizione di poter fare un teatro con/per la rete tenendo conto del senso di comitati che spesso si attiva in Internet in maniera più convincente di tanti altri luoghi materiali”—Anna Maria Monteverdi, Il tecnoteatro di Giacomo Verde, 2020 # 2 I social media richiedono uno spettacolo continuo e noi siamo gli interpreti. Sempre loggati, continuiamo a ritornarci per avere di più, fino a quando l'app #DigitalDetox ci disconnette o veniamo convocati per entrare in altri mondi. - Geert Lovink, Sad by Design, 2019


#1 In the global theater of Connesione Remota, one of the first Italian experiments of Webcam Theatre, which was simultaneously staged and broadcasted live on the Web from the Pecci Museum in Prato (2001), the spectators in "remote connection" could watch the performance from the Web, meet each other on the network, chat with each other, dialogue and write in real time with the same performer: "These experiments confirmed my intuition that it is possible to make a theater with/for the network while taking into account the sense of committees that are often activated on the Internet more convincingly than in many other material places." — Anna Maria Monteverdi, The technothatre of Giacomo Verde, 2020 #2 Social media demands a never-ending show—and we are the performers. Always signed in, we keep circling back for more, until the #DigitalDetox app switches us off or we’re summoned to enter different realms. — Geert Lovink, Sad by Design, 2019



Guido Segni,   Matìas Reyes,  

Project title




Thomas Cheneseau,   Ronen Shai,  

Project title

Gallery Online




Rebecca Birch,   Rob Smith,  

Project title

Field Broadcast




Damjanski,   Nina Roehrs,  

Project title





Valentina Tanni,  

Project title

Arte-19 – Virus Virtual Reality Game
